martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Reflection unit 4

Well what can I say about this unit, here we were trying to develop an online course, I could feel how hard teachers have to work to design all the info that they are going to present to their class, and we were just presenting some activities not the whole course. I really like it, I was excited.

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

Summarizing and Waving "unit 3 activity 3"

Weaving and summarizing

We think that the e-tutor should provide guidance and clear data to produce an effective communication all dough, interactions and opinions developed for the activities, should be taken in consideration not only for quantity, but most important the quality of the participation on each assignment the Ss can be encourage to work hard and developed the correct criteria by motivating them.

Prompting Students "unit 3 activity 3"

What should I do so that they don't always look to me to be the expert?

Give them links or references where they can find the answer to their questions instead of giving them the answer, let them work. Or we can ask them to post their answer to certain question, once they discussed it, give them the answer.

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

Unit Reflection "unit 3 activity 5"

I really like what I was doing when developing all these activities, it made me think about all the things we have to do when teaching online, for me it is even more harder than teaching in classrooms. I think that what we’ve done is going to be very useful for us, what I really like is when teacher asked us about an appropriate actions for the squirrel, the stag and the magpie. What I’ve learned is that we as future teachers have to find ways to encourage our online students to participate and to be more autonomous.
I think the way teacher Rocio is working this unit is the way it should be, I like it.

Feedback "Unit 3 Activity 4"

 Personal development plan

Development needs: to achieve building on contributions of others
Development objective: to encourage them to read their e-mates comments
Strategy: to encourage their e-mates
* Offer as much as 20% of the overall grade for participation
* Give them extra points when their contribution is meaningful
* contact participants if they have not made a contribution for 5 days

assessment "Unit # Activity 4"

How would you assess it?  Post your assessment criteria under the sequence “evaluaciĆ³n.
Unit 1 activity 3

“Now we would read  Sanchez, A. Regla, I. (2003) La EducaciĆ³n a Distancia. ACIMED 11 (1). Available in . Identify the differences between tradicional education (classroom) and distance education. Post a comment about these differences you found in the Foro of unit 1 in the sequence traditional vs. distance education.
Product:  a comment. You might post a comment on your classmates´ postings.
The instructor will post a general comment at the end of the foro”.

I would evaluate the quality of contribution that reflects understanding of the information by giving meaningful comments, where they identify the differences between traditional education and distance education, instead of evaluating the number or the size of their comments.

Summarise:  Decide on the 5 criteria you feel are most important, and why. Post your list and justification

1.     Contribution to the theme we are discussing
2.     They were involved in the discussion, by presenting their aguments and commenting on their e-mates comments
3.     The quality of their comments, if they were meaningful
4.     They were publishing the task on time
5.     And the quantity, depending on the e-tivity  

Sharing Information "Unit 3 Activity 3"

I really like this technique because easy to understand and it is not a complicated technique, if controlled properly it is a quick way to generate ideas, our students don't have to be a highly qualified expert in the theme discussed.
This is good because it promote an exchange of ideas, with it we can explore areas if a complex subject, this is a good technique if our time is limited, but it would be better if we keep the buzz groups small.
With cooperative learning, students are put in small groups to work together. They are usually not grouped by ability, but put in a group with students at a variety of level. The students are then given task to accomplish.
This would work because we can get to know everybody and share with him/her our ideas, and also we can be helping each other, that's because we are not going to choose our partner.